50th Anniversary

In 2024, Brandes celebrated our 50th anniversary.

Throughout the year, we marked this significant milestone by sharing insights about our firm, our rich history, and the incredible people who make up our team. We also hosted several in-person events to commemorate the occasion. This anniversary provided a wonderful opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to our clients and staff for their unwavering support over the years.

Quotes worth sharing

For the past 50 years, Brandes has been gathering quotes that align with our values and philosophy. We’ve assembled 50 of our favorites to share with you throughout the year along with why they represent points of value for us. Cheers to 50 more years!




Placeholder Quote


Brandes has reached several noteworthy milestones.

Best Places to Work

In December 2024, Brandes was recognized as one of the honorees on Pensions & Investments’ Best Places to Work in Money Management list for 2024.

Brandes Letters

Throughout the years, Brandes has created a multitude of Brandes Letters. These letters delve current trends and hot topics in the financial markets and the broader financial industry.